Hair barrettes that stay put for days

Hair barrettes that stay put for days

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OMG! Gayle King and Marcus Lemonis invested in my business!

Hi Confidence Family! Hi!!!

I was interviewed by Marcus Lemonis for his new podcast "100 Percent," but surprised with a guest appearance by Gayle King and investments from both of them!

It was OVERWHELMING, and I'm so happy you can listen to it now.

Here are the links to the podcast for Apple and Google devices:



Thank you SO much for your support of my journey! The best is yet to come for all of us!



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  • Debbie Wright on

    Congratulations Gabby! God is putting people in position to sew seeds over your business and you are so deserving at a tender age you and Rosylyn saw the vision but God already knew the visionary. Praying continued success for you and may you continue to be humble. Blessings

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